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Use Maintain's Workspace feature to create comments and add shapes such as circles and rectangles on digital P&IDs. You no longer need to print paper copies to add your comments or annotations. You can also mark, measure, and generate a list of isolation points, including valve positions, on the P&ID. You can create a new workspace or modify an existing one.

To access the workspace, click the workspace icon in the top bar. My workspaces is empty the first time you open it. As you create and save workspaces, they will be listed in the overview.

Start using workspaces

  1. Select Create new.
  2. Search for the tag or file you want to add to your workspace. Select the document to add it to your workspace. You can add many P&IDs to the same workspace.

You can also add documents to your workspace by clicking the eye icon on a work order. And you can select a contextualized asset (yellow highlight) to open up a connected P&ID.

The image below shows connected P&IDs.

Connected P&IDs

Select the pencil next to the workspace name to rename it. Select the bin icon to delete a document from your workspace.

Use the arrow to close the sidebar to get more space when you start marking the P&IDs.

The toolbar


Use the toolbar to interact with the P&IDs. You can also create a list of isolation points. Create comments and add editable shapes such as circles and rectangles on the digital P&IDs to highlight information. You can mark and generate a list of isolation points, including valve positions, on the P&ID. The image below shows a P&ID that has been edited.



Use layers to turn on/off different types of elements on the P&IDs:

  • Select Annotations to turn on/off work order/risk annotations.
  • Select Drawings to turn on/off the drawings you have created.
  • Select Markers to turn on/off the list items you have added.


Use this tool and click on a document. The blue line shows that the document is selected. You can also choose shapes that have been drawn with other tools. When the tool is active, click a shape, and a menu opens where you can edit the shape and adjust style and size.


Use the hand icon Move to navigate the workspace. When you have selected a document, you can move it around the workspace. Use Delete or Backspace key to remove the document.


Use this tool to draw a line or highlight a section. You can also change the line thickness, color, and opacity. Use the shift key to create a straight line.


Use this tool to add a colored rectangle to your document, for example, to highlight an asset.


Use this tool to highlight an asset with a colored circle.


Use this tool to move or edit shapes you have already created. You can adjust the shape's size, move it around, and edit it.


Use this tool to add text to the document. First, click this tool to activate it, and then click the location for your text. Write your text in the editing pop-up.


Click on the comment tool to activate it. Click on the P&ID where you want to leave your comment. Add your comment in the right-side panel.


The list tool lets you generate a list of isolation points, including valve positions, on P&IDs.

Click a markup in the P&ID to create a list element. If you add a list item that's not linked to a tag, you can click the field that says Unknown tag and enter the tag (if it exists) or add a free text.

The status of List element is set (by default) to Examine. Click Examine to change the status to Open (green) or Closed (red).

Use the arrow to re-order your list elements. Notice how the numbers on the P&ID update. You can export your list to a CSV file when your list is complete.


If the Stamp functionality is enabled, images or stamps will be available to you when clicking on the stamp tool. You can then add different stamps to your P&IDs.

Save and download workspace

To save your workspace, click Save. Click Download to download the P&IDs as a PDF. Note that if you have turned off annotations, drawings, or markers using the Layers tool, your download won't include them.