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First, select the relevant asset. You are then presented with a 3D model of the asset (if available) and a list of the work orders.


Work orders

The work order list shows all open work orders for an asset and the work order status.

The work order information you can see in the list:

  • The Priority: The color indicates the priority of the work order. Work orders with top priority are listed first.

  • The ID: The id field of the work order.

  • The Description: The description field of the work order.

  • The Readiness: If the data is available, the status indicator represents the readiness of the work order, defined by the readiness rules, which are configurable..

  • The Material readiness: This lets you see the material status of the work order, if the data is available.

  • The Health check: Work orders are compared to closed work orders to identify their status. A heart icon in different colors indicates the number of issues related to the work order:


    Hover over the heart icon to see further details.

  • The Tag list: The tag list shows a predefined list of fields from the work order.

  • The Action button: The action button displays possible actions depending on the data available for the work order.

The list header has the following:

  • List actions
  • A quick search to find work orders based on description or id
  • Download button to download all the work orders in an xlsx format
  • Filter options to specify the criteria for the work orders in the list

To view the work order details and its operations, click a work order in the list. The key information is displayed at the top of the window in the detail view. The information displayed is configurable.

Create a scope

Click Add scope + to access the data. You can also add a New scope and apply your filters to the data.

To move work orders between lists, drag them to the header of a list. This will change the work order so that its fields match the list's filter criteria. When you drop it into the list header, you can review the changes before you confirm the move. Download the work order list to export it as an excel file or line walk sheet.

The filter functionality handles multiple values and lets you create a scope based on multiple IDs. To do this, add the IDs separated by line change.

To save a list as a favorite, click More options and select Add to favorites. Note: your favorite lists are only visible to you.


Suggestions tab to see the suggestions for the selected scope.

To see what settings are available to generate suggestions on, click the tool icon next to the heading. The panel that opens lists the different suggestions settings available to you.

Note that for some settings, you can specify for example, the proximity in meters or how many days away from a deadline to further narrow your search.

To approve adding or removing a work order from your scope based on suggestions, simply click on the work order. You will be prompted to approve the suggestion and then presented with the changes in a new window where you confirm or discard your changes.

The work order is then moved as requested.


The Risks section has other data types that are also relevant to visualize in 3D and 2D and consider when optimizing a maintenance plan. This can be active risks, defective equipment, or notifications, depending on how your company is organized.

When clicking on the section in the application, you will see the data types available to you listed as tabs. View the legend in the bottom left corner of the 3D model to see which icons are used to visualize the data types in 3D.

In the list view, you can filter on type and source by using Add scope +. Select New scope to create a list that you can filter.