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3D view

About the functionality

These buttons help you zoom, map, link, and navigate:

Eye icon EyeZooms into position in the 3D model or 2D document
Grid zone icon ZoneZooms into the position of the zone in the 3D model
3D icon 3D modelSuperimposes a model onto the core model
link icon LinkMaps an unmapped work order to a grid zone

Click the i icon to open the guide showing how to navigate. Click x to close the guide.




Each work order and risk located on an asset is visualized.

You can zoom in to see the work orders. Click on the eye icon in the scope list to zoom. Colored circles represent work orders. As you zoom in, the work orders near each other increase in size, showing you where they are.

The circles are also grouped by the filtering you have done earlier.

Note that the different scopes you have created have the number of work orders marked in a circle with their own color. This color corresponds to the color of the circle in the 3D model.

Different scopes

Click the circles to view the related work orders. The number inside the circle indicates the number of work orders.

Equipment and colors:

  • Blue: the equipment has a work order attached.
  • Yellow: the equipment has a risk attached to it, and a work order that will tackle the risk.
  • Red: equipment had a risk order attached to it, but no work order to tackle it.

You can search for assets and work orders directly on the 3D model. A gray field on the asset indicates that it's unmapped and can't be zoomed.

Slicing the 3D model

Slicer tool

Sometimes it's useful only to see a specific part of an asset for a better overview of the activities. The slicer tool can help you do this. Click the slice icon to enable this feature, and drag the circles from top to bottom until you see the relevant section. Where data is available, you can go directly to the deck level of the asset by clicking the rectangles next to the slicer.


Superimposition is a way to attach a planned or future project or construction to an existing 3D model. This is useful for departments planning significant engineering, construction, or major projects on a given platform in the future. Use the superimpose functionality to add the future project to existing 3D models:

  • In Scope, click Add scope + and select the relevant department, then select the model ID.

The cube icon on the work order means that the work order has an attached 3D model. Click the cube icon to superimpose the work order to the existing model.


When a model is superimposed, you can select the following views:

  • only show the subsection relevant for the project
  • show the highlighted 3D model
  • go back to the original model

The Superimpose button will appear at the top of the toolbox in the bottom left corner. Click Superimpose to only show the subsection of the asset that the superimposed model affects.

Manual mapping of work orders

Not all work orders are mapped to the 3D model. This is usually because of the data quality. But you can map these work orders manually:

  1. Hover over a work order to see if the link icon appears, indicating that the work order isn't mapped.

  2. Click the link icon. Go to the toolbox, select Show zones in the 3D model, and select the deck on which you want to map the work order.

  3. Select the relevant zone and notice it is stated in the black text box towards the top of the screen. The blue link icon means that the work order is now mapped.

Grid zones

You can use grid zones on the 3D model and on a particular deck. You can also select a specific deck level to see the grid zones on that deck.

An icon in the work order list indicates which grid zone the work order is in. Click the icon to see the zone highlighted on the 3D model.

Line measurement

You can measure the distance between two locations on the asset:

  • Click the ruler icon to enable the line measurement tool.

  • Click the start and end points of the distance you want to measure. The distance is displayed in mm.
