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Save, share, and download

Changes you make in Cognite Maintain are saved in different files. The changes one user makes won't affect the data another user sees. Click Load changes, and your changelog with files of saved changes will be listed to the right. You will see the name of the file, when it was last modified, and three action buttons:

  1. Select Download to download the user changes to an excel sheet.
  2. Select Get a URL to share the Changelog with others so that they can apply the same changes.
  3. Select Delete to delete this file.
  1. Select the changes you want to keep and click Save. The file is added to the Changelog to the right. The default name is set to the time when the file was created.
  2. Click the name to edit it, and click the share icon to copy the URL to share with others.
  3. The users with the copied link will then load the same changes into their view.
  4. To download an overview of the changes, click the download button.

Remember to save your changes before moving to another asset.