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Perform activities

To perform your activities in InField, you use checklists. A checklist has a set of tasks where you add a status, such as OK, Not OK, or Blocked. You can also add images, videos, and observations for malfunctions you notice while working. For some tasks, you may also see fields for adding measurement readings and check items.

Work with checklists

  1. Navigate from All checklists to Assigned to me to view checklists assigned to your discipline or you personally.


    If you can't find a checklist, try sorting on Ready, In progress, or Done.

  2. Enter any measurement values your supervisor has requested.

  3. Optional. Respond to the supervisor's request by selecting an action button, for example, Low, Normal, High, or Open, Closed.

  4. For each task, select OK or a different status from Other.
    If you want to bulk change the statuses of the remaining tasks, select More options (...) > Set remaining tasks to and select the status. You can do that for the tasks in the group and outside the group and only once.

  5. Select + to add images, videos, enter text, or create observations. Fill out the Observations form if an asset requires a closer look, for example, due to malfunctions.

  6. When you're done, select More options (...) > Set checklist to > Done. You can no longer update the checklist.

Create observations

If you think an asset requires attention, you can create an observation for it:

  • When working on a checklist, select (+) > Create observation.
  • In the top left, select the menu tab > Create observation.

Explore assets

To see information linked to an asset, such as 3D images, documents, time series, or other assets, search for the asset or select an asset ID displayed as a blue link.

  • Select the search icon (Search icon) to search for assets, time series, or documents.
  • Select the search icon (Search icon) > Hierarchy to find equipment linked to the asset you're working with.

Work offline

Field workers can complete operator rounds and work orders with slow or no network connectivity on their mobile devices.

To work offline, open the checklist while you still have network connectivity. If you go offline, you can still complete tasks but you can't access the asset explorer, upload media, and create observations. When you're back online, all data collected offline will be uploaded.