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Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) supports boolean logic using AND, OR, and NOT to build complex queries. You can also combine resource item attribute filters, such as equals, prefix, and range.

The default set of CDF filters lets you filter all CDF resources in these contexts:

  • CDF resources, for example, assets and events, by primary fields, metadata keys, and values.

  • Full-text search results. Use filters to narrow down the returned search results. For example, you can use a filter to return only "PDFs from last week" from your full-text search query.

  • Aggregate results. Use filters to reduce the number of returned aggregate buckets. For example, you can use a filter to return "metadata key names and their count for all keys with the prefix character '_'.


You can express filters as JSON. The root must always be an object.


CDF uses the same grammar to express a reference everywhere the API uses a resource attribute: a JSON array of strings to express the attribute/property. This is true for leaf filters, aggregate, sort, etc.

There are no naming constraints for the allowed property names. CDF uses "property" for leaf filters to refer to the field(s) the filter operates on.

Example: nesting and sorting

In the example object below, you can refer to the nested values as ["metadata", "../type"]. Or, you can use another nested property, ["metadata", "type"], and then address the un-nested property as ["type"].

"id": 1234,
"metadata": {
"../type": "critical",
"type": "high"
"type": "alert"

To sort the /list result on metadata.type and type properties, send the following request:

"sort": [
"property": ["metadata", "type"],
"order": "asc",
"nulls": "last"
"property": ["type"],
"order": "desc"

You can sort by several properties in the same query.

Example: filtering

This example defines a filter using JSON:

"or": [
"not": {
"and": [
"equals": {
"property": ["type"],
"value": "alert"
"in": {
"property": ["subtype"],
"values": ["critical", "warning"]
"range": {
"property": ["rating"],
"gte": 5,
"lt": 10
"and": [
"equals": {
"property": ["metadata", "priority"],
"value": "highest"
"equals": {
"property": ["subtype"],
"value": "critical"

A simplified, less verbose version could look like this:

("metadata.priority"=highest AND subtype=critical)
NOT (type=alert AND subtype IN (critical, warning) AND 5 `<= rating `< 10)

Even if the JSON object is more verbose, the object is easy to express and handle programmatically. JSON is also unambiguous and doesn't impose rules on naming attributes/properties. You also can't mistake a property name for a keyword in JSON.

Below is another example of using JSON to express a simple intent: "filter items where the attribute source is equal to the value git."

"equals": {
"property": ["source"],
"value": "git"

Filter language specification

and{"and": [<filter>, …]}
or{"or": [<filter>, …]}
not{"not": <filter>}
leaf_filter<equals> | <in> | <range> | <prefix> | <exists> | <containsAny> | <containsAll>
equals{"equals": {"property": <property>, "value": <string_value>}}
in{"in": {"property": <property>, "values": <list_value>}}
range{"range": {"property": <property>, "(gte|gt|lte|lt)": <value1> [, "(gte|gt|lte|lt)": <value\2>]}}
prefix{"prefix": {"property": <property>, "value": <string_value>}}
exists{"exists": {"property": <property>}}
containsAny{"containsAny": {"property": <property>, "values": <list_value>}}
containsAll{"containsAll": {"property": <property>, "values": <list_value>}}

Different CDF resources may support a different subset of the existing leaf filters. Refer to the documentation for the specific CDF resource for details.

Boolean filters


To express boolean AND logic, use the and filter expressed in JSON:

{"and": [ filter1, filter2, …, filterN]}


To express boolean OR logic, use the or filter (expressed in JSON):

{"or": [ filter1, filter2, …, filterN]}


To express the negated logic of a boolean value, use the not filter (expressed in JSON):

{"not": filter}

Leaf filters


The supported leaf filters may differ depending on the CDF resource.


Filter items where the property (named value) equals the specified value. This filter works for properties with values that aren't arrays/lists.

Filter items where the property (name) equals the given name and has a specific value. This filter works for properties with values that aren't arrays/lists.

"equals": {
"property": ["rootId"],
"value": 12432432423


Filter items where the property value equals one of the values specified in the list. This filter expects the value stored by the property to be a single value (not a list).

"in": {
"property": ["datasetId"],
"values": [1, 2, 3]


Filter items where the property value is in the range specified by the filter boundaries: gt|gte,|lt|lte.

"range": {
"property": ["count"],
"gte": 1,
"lte": 2

To compare the property, you must specify gt, lt, lte, or gte, and at least one boundary value.

Range behavior depends on the type of the property you are comparing with. The filter language does not require that typing must exist. If you store all the values as strings, the range filter will behave as if comparing string values.

This filter works for properties not typed as arrays/lists.


Some CDF resources don't support open-range filters. To avoid errors, specify both upper and lower boundaries. See the API documentation for details.


Filter items where the property value starts with the specified string. This filter works for properties that are not of type array/list.

"prefix": {
"property": ["metadata", "vendor"],
"value": "si"


Filter items where the property value is something other than null (empty). This filter works for properties of any type.

"exists": {
"property": ["externalId"]


Filter items where the property values equal one or more of the specified values from the filter. This filter works for properties that are of type array/list.

"containsAny": {
"property": ["labels"],
"values": ["pump", "tube"]


Filter items where the values from the property match all specified values. This filter works for properties that are of type array/list.

"containsAll": {
"property": ["assetIds"],
"values": [23234324, 2423423]

Advanced Query filters

Advanced queries provide more robust data discovery and retrieval tools using Search, Filter, and Aggregation methods. Advanced search and filter API supports complex queries that combine simple operations, such as equals, prefix, exists, etc., using boolean operators and, or, and not. These methods apply to standard fields as well as metadata.

In the following section, we will outline the concepts and applications of different types of query filters with their API specifications for each supported service.

Since the filter operations leverage the CDF search architecture, they are consistent, expensive, and slower than CRUD operations. Consult with a professional on resource allocation and consumption.


Use /filter for human and analytical queries, not bulk read or system-to-system sync operations.


Since /list provides a subset of the functionality available in /filter, use the /filter endpoint rather than /list.

For more information, see List.

/search returns results sorted by relevance score. Relevance score is automatically calculated by the CDF search architecture using a combination of text matching and scoring algorithms to determine the relevance of search results. The text-matching algorithm checks if the search query terms appear in the item's fields, such as title, description, or content.

` Note: Searches can return high numbers of results.


The /filter operation supersedes the/search functionality since it provides a fuzzy search operation within itself. Use the /filter operation for these types of queries.

For more information on how search works for Docs API, see Search for documents.


Advanced aggregation APIs provide more powerful tools for data discovery and enhance the creation of better user interfaces and experiences. The supported aggregation types include the following:

Aggregation TypeDescription
countReturns the count of items in the data set (i.e., number of Assets, Events, Time Series, etc.)
count (with properties)Returns the number of items in the data set with associated properties. It is useful if items in the data set have no associated properties.
cardinalityValuesReturns the number of instances that a property occurs in the data set
cardinalityPropertiesReturns the number of unique properties per metadata key that occur in the data set
uniqueValuesReturns an array of the unique instances of metadata values per metadata key and the associated count of their occurrence
uniquePropertiesReturns the number of unique properties that occur in the data set

For more information, see Aggregations in CDF.