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Cognite Remote

Locate, navigate and understand your data in a dynamic 3D digital twin.

About Cognite Remote

Cognite Remote is a highly configurable application, powered by Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) and a dynamic 3D digital twin. It provides a secure environment to locate, navigate and understand contextualized data from multiple sources and conduct industrial inspections and asset integrity management at scale.

You can install and run Remote as a local application on your PC, or you can run the cloud version in a web browser:

  • We recommend running Remote as a local application on a PC if you use Remote daily. Your PC needs a modern dedicated graphics card, such as a 20 or 30 series graphics card from NVIDIA.

    Contact your Cognite representative to get a download link for the Remote application, and then follow the instructions in this article to install it on your PC.

  • If you use Remote infrequently, we recommend that you use the cloud version. It has the same features as the PC version but uses server-side rendering and runs well also on a less powerful computer.

    If necessary, contact support@cognite.com to enable the cloud version of Remote for your CDF project.

When you have signed in, you'll see a gallery of the twins you have access to. Click one of the twins to open it. You can switch between the available twins using a drop-down in the top bar.

Select Twin

When interacting with a twin, you can select between different modes. Which modes are available for a twin, depends on the twin configuration. Use the top bar to switch between the available modes:

  • Explore - to navigate a 3D digital representation of an asset (CAD models, point cloud data, 360 images) and to access detailed information about equipment, including access to real-time sensors. This mode is available in all twins by default.

  • Plan - to create plans, assign work orders, and interactively enrich the plan with markups.

  • Contextualize - to link 3D objects to equipment and make the twin "smarter" and more interactive.