GraphQL mutations
You can create and update instances using GraphQL. The mutation capabilities available from the GraphQL API represent a subset of the capabilities of the ingestion REST API endpoints. The GraphQL interface for data modeling doesn't anticipate receiving significant data ingestion traffic. For that, please use the DMS REST API, or the CDF Transformations service.
For a data model like the example below, mutations are generated for each type, except types annotated with the @edge
type Movie {
title: String
actors: [Person]
edgeSource: "ActedIn"
type: { space: "imdb", externalId: "HAS_ACTOR" }
direction: OUTWARDS
director: Person
type Person {
name: String!
type ActedIn @edge {
role: String
compensation: Float
metadata: JSONObject
lines: [String]
The mutations receive a list of instances you want to create for a specific type. For example:
mutation CreateMovie {
items: [
{ space: "imdb", externalId: "the-prestige", title: "The Prestige" }
{ space: "imdb", externalId: "the-titanic", title: "The Titanic" }
) {
You can extend the mutations to create or upsert nested types. When you upsert nested types, the input has a structure with node
and edge
. Direct relations only require node
includes the fields for the target type, while edge
include the fields for the connecting edge. The edge could contain properties, if an edge type is defined in the model, or could be simply space
and externalId
. It's similar for direct relations, though only node
should be included, no edge
A more complex example could look like this:
mutation CreateMoviesWithActors {
items: [
space: "imdb"
externalId: "the-prestige"
title: "The Prestige"
director: {
node: {
space: "imdb"
externalId: "christopher-nolan"
name: "Christopher Nolan"
actors: [
edge: {
space: "imdb"
externalId: "prestige-christian-bale"
role: "Alfred Borden"
compensation: 10000000
lines: ["Are you watching closely?"]
node: {
space: "imdb"
externalId: "christian-bale"
name: "Christian Bale"
edge: {
space: "imdb"
externalId: "prestige-hugh-jackman"
role: "Robert Angier"
compensation: 10000000
lines: ["No one cares about the man in the box"]
node: {
space: "imdb"
externalId: "hugh-jackman"
name: "Hugh Jackman"
) {