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Release states and availability

The release states and availability described in this article apply to functionality in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF), Cognite InField, Cognite Maintain, and Cognite InRobot. Admins and IT professionals can use this information to prepare for future releases.

For API and SDK release states, refer to the API changelog and the SDK and toolkit documentation. See also Deprecated and retired features.


We use these terms to describe the release states and availability of a product or functionality:

  • Production: the product or functionality is available in a stable release and supported by our Service Level Agreement (SLA). We'll provide a deprecation notice a minimum of twelve (12) months before retiring the product or functionality.

    Production releases are generally available (GA) to all customers or have limited availability (LA) (available to selected customers only.)

  • Beta: the product or functionality is in a mature testing phase but is still subject to change or retirement. We'll provide a deprecation notice a minimum of two months before retiring the product or functionality. We recommend that you don't use the product or functionality in production systems.

    Beta releases are private (available to selected customers) or public (available to all customers). Private beta releases are typically supported by a group on Cognite Hub.

  • Alpha: the product or functionality is in an early testing phase and is likely to change or be removed without prior notice. Do not use the product or functionality in production systems.

    Alpha releases are private (available to selected customers) or public (available to all customers).