Analyze and explore data
Explore, trend, and analyze the industrial data in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF).
Analyze and explore industrial data
Use out-of-the-box and custom tools to explore, trend, and analyze the industrial data stored in To search for data, you can either enter your query in the Search_** field and press Enter, select Browse 3D_ to explore 3D models, or use Cognite Copilot. 1 articole 1 articole Cognite Copilots are AI-powered assistants that help you get the data you need. Use Copilot~~ for filtering categories when you search for data, ask questions about content in one or multiple documents on a canvas, or summarize content from a document. If you're a developer creating interactive notebook documents in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF), ~~Copilot helps you generate code snippets or change existing code. The features described in this section are currently in beta testing and are subject to change. 4 articole 4 articoleCognite Data Fusion (CDF).📄️ Search for data
🗃️ Canvas
🗃️ Charts
📄️ Copilots
📄️ Custom apps
🗃️ Grafana
🗃️ Power BI and Excel
🔗 Industrial Data Science Library (EN)