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Find information to help you troubleshoot issues while running the simulator integration.

The connector receives 401 errors from CDF

HTTP error 401 means that the service didn't recognize the authentication provided by the client. If the CDF API returns 401 errors to the connector, it means the connector successfully received an authentication token, but the token isn't valid for the project.

This usually occurs because the project or host parameters in the cognite section are incorrect.

The connector is not setting the data set when using remote configuration

If you set up the connector to run with remote configuration, only the host, project, idp-authentication, and extraction-pipeline parameters in the cognite section are read from the file on the local machine. Other parameters in the cognite section, such as data-set, must be added to the configuration file in the extraction pipelines.

The connector will fail to run properly if you don't have a PETEX OpenServer license. The following PowerShell commands can be used to verify if PETEX OpenServer and GAP licenses are available in the environment where the connector is running.

# Create a new OpenServer COM object
$server = New-Object -ComObject "PX32.OpenServer.1"

# Test if a GAP license is available

# Close GAP

# Release the COM object
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($server) | Out-Null