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Atlas AI agent tools library

Early adopters

The features described in this section are currently available to early adopters only and are subject to change.

Atlas AI agents can interact with tools and functions, allowing the agent to perform complex tasks or interact with your application. We provide built-in tools for Atlas AI agents, but you can also define your own tools to extend their capabilities.

Query tools

The query tools use query features to retrieve and explore information from the Cognite knowledge graph.

ToolUse toParameters
Query knowledge graphRetrieve data instances from data models in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF). For high accuracy, configure the tool instructions with additional information on the selected data type.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Query time series data pointsRetrieve data instances for data points. Use another tool to identify the relevant time series ID.

See also: Time series in data modeling.
Find activitiesRetrieve data instances for activities using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite core data model, and the view is set to Activity.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find assetsRetrieve data instances for assets using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite core data model, and the view is set to Asset.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find equipmentRetrieve data instances for equipment using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite core data model, and the view is set to Equipment.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find filesRetrieve data instances for files using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite core data model, and the view is set to Files.

See also: Files in data modeling.
Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find maintenance ordersRetrieve data instances for maintenance orders using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite process industries data model, and the view is set to Maintenance order.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find notificationsRetrieve data instances for notifications using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite process industries data model, and the view is set to Notifications.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find operationsRetrieve data instances for operations using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite process industries data model, and the view is set to Operations.Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.
Find time seriesRetrieve data instances for time series using the generic Query knowledge graph tool. The data model is Cognite core data model, and the view is set to Time series.

See also: Time series in data modeling.
Specify which data model, view, and credentials to use.

Analysis tools

ToolUse toParameters
Answer document questionsGet answers to questions from a file using semantic search. Use in combination with a query tool that retrieves files.

See also: Files in data modeling and Optimizing data models for AI search.
Optional: Specify the file ID of the files to use.
Summarize documentsSummarize the information in specific files. Use in combination with a query tool that retrieves files.

See also: Files in data modeling.
Optional: Specify the file ID of the files to use.
Analyze time seriesPerform advanced calculations on time series data points. Use another tool to identify the relevant time series ID.

See also: Time series in data modeling.