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Cognite Toolkit versions

This article lists the main changes between the Cognite Toolkit versions.

To see when support for the different resources was added, visit the resource library. To upgrade the Cognite Toolkit, follow the steps in the upgrade guide.

Version 0.3 to 0.4 (planned)


  • All configuration files now require suffixes to specify which resources they configure. For example, transformation configuration files must have a .Transformation.yaml suffix, for example, my_transformation.Transformation.yaml. This is already the case for all resources that have been added since the 0.2 release.

  • All functions will be redeployed. In version 0.3, the Cognite Toolkit uses a hash of the function code to redeploy changed functions.

    In version 0.4, the Cognite Toolkit will hash individual files instead of only the function code directory. The change will cause all functions to be redeployed the first time you run cdf deploy after upgrading to version 0.4.

  • The cdf pull plugin command is removed and replaced with cdf modules pull. While the cdf pull command only works with transformations and nodes, the new cdf modules pull command will work with almost all resources.

New features

  • Adds a new cdf run workflow command to run a workflow from the command line. The feature requires the run plugin to be enabled.

  • The cdf deploy command has a --force-update flag to force an update of all resources. This is useful if you've rotated credentials and need to update all resources.

  • The cdf repo init command now has an option for Azure DevOps pipelines.

  • New command cdf modules pull to pull resource configurations from CDF to the local file system. This command requires that the resources are already governed by the Cognite Toolkit.

  • Support for device code login flow.

Version 0.2 to 0.3


  • The config.[env].yaml file is optional. If you don't need to do variable substitution in your cdf build step, you can skip this file(s).

  • The cdf auth verify has been split into cdf auth init and cdf auth verify for setting up and verifying the authentication.

  • The toolkit no longer requires a naming conventions for resources.

  • The cdf describe command is removed.

  • The Cognite Toolkit no longer supports Python 3.9. The new minimum supported version is Python 3.10.

  • The cdf init command is replaced by cdf repo init and cdf modules init.

New features

  • The Cognite Toolkit is now released as a docker image. This is the recommended way to run the toolkit in a CI/CD pipeline.

  • New cdf repo command with init subcommand to initialize a new repository with .gitignore and CI/CD pipeline files.

  • New cdf modules command to manage modules wiht subcommands for init, add, upgrade, and list.

  • New cdf dump asset/timeseries command to dump data sets/asset hierarchies to csv/parquet file(s).

  • The cdf dump datamodel command now has an interactive mode.

  • The cdf build command now has a flag -m/--modules to specify which module names or path to build. This overrides the environment.selected key in the config.[env].yaml file.

Version 0.1 to 0.2


  • The common_function_code is no longer supported.

  • The cdf build command cleans the build directory by default. This can be disabled with the --no-clean flag.

  • The cognite_modules folder is no longer required.

New features

  • Support for interactive login flow.