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Improving latency

Latency is affected by many factors, including your IT systems and setup, the data volume and data types, and the combination of Cognite Data Fusion features and applications you use. Below are a few general bandwidth guidelines to help improve any latency issues.

We recommend a minimum bandwidth of 30Mbps to use basic 3D and search functionality and 15Mbps to load a canvas.

To use InField on a tablet, we recommend a minimum bandwidth of 10Mbps. If the bandwidth drops below 2.2Kbps, InField goes into offline mode. When you're back online, all the data collected offline is uploaded. See also Work offline.

To use Spot in InRobot, we recommend a minimum bandwidth of 5Mbps. Video streaming for Spot requires a minimum bandwidth of 200–2000Mpbs, depending on the streaming quality set.

We also recommend using the most up-to-date browser that's compatible with your operating system.