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Troubleshoot access management

This article has troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issues if you are receiving errors or seeing unexpected behavior related to access management.

Token and claims

If there are any issues with a user's authentication, you can retrieve and read issued JWTs from a web browser using the Network section of the Developer tools. By default, the content of the claims in the token is encoded in a non-human readable format. To read the token content, you must paste it into a JWT decoding tool such as

Check that the token contains the claims listed in this article and that the values within the token match the expected values defined in CDF (as it relates to group SIDs specifically).

Below is an example of an OAuth 2.0/OIDC token issued from Microsoft Entra ID (ME-ID) (formerly Azure Active Directory), containing all mandatory information to authenticate the user using the CDF portal application.

"aud": "",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1615211873,
"nbf": 1615211873,
"exp": 1615215773,
"acr": "1",
"aio": "AZQAa/8TAAAAyJhgrQQDIeLdV6L8ihHRav6lQANXu27jnkK5Y9x+tskrnZgw1mBcZJ8xVcPDWJso/WOop60PruNM4XA14b0H1wrwDX4+q5YX9tC6O6Dx7axTg7Yx3kRfScjO3WBPFRqRp0yPsQ+l8KdcO59FODEaTcLQeBqR9gSZrK/VylSkJ62Cp+47MUnZWmeSC5pX4nR4",
"amr": ["rsa", "mfa"],
"appid": "9f039f43-cd64-4d32-abc1-333ca411e5f9",
"appidacr": "0",
"email": "",
"family_name": "Sykes",
"given_name": "Glen",
"groups": [
"idp": "",
"ipaddr": "~~.~~.~~~.~~",
"name": "Glen Sykes",
"oid": "b45a1671-9ee5-4810-a4a4-1fdc7c20d8a1",
"rh": "0.AAAAH7vyMKEox0aobgCZRWEZZUOfA59kzTJNq8EzPKQR5fl6AHw.",
"scp": "IDENTITY user_impersonation",
"sub": "mp9krYK2S_QjiFWwTcr-kONiQX4R2Yfb_ww6wCw_Yx8",
"tid": "30f2bb1f-28a1-46c7-a86e-009945611965",
"unique_name": "",
"uti": "MjCUJzWVzE2AMQkcHtw6AA",
"ver": "1.0"

Missing groups claim

If the groups claim is missing from your token, try these solutions.

Check the Microsoft Entra ID token configuration

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as an admin and navigate to Microsoft Entra ID > App registration > Your app > Token configuration.

  2. Make sure that you have configured Microsoft Entra ID to emit the groups claim in tokens.

Check the group membership limit

In larger organizations the number of groups a principal is a member of may exceed the limit of 200 groups that ME-ID will add to a token.


For the implicit flow, the maximum number of group memberships is 5.

To resolve the issue, you need to configure your CDF project to call the MS Graph groups endpoint to obtain group information for the principal. See Best practices: Authorization and groups for details.

Remove cached permissions

If you have created/updated a CDF group and linked it to a group in Microsoft Entra ID but don't have access to the CDF project with the new permissions, sign out and delete your browser cache, or wait for the token to expire.

Access CDF projects with new permissions

If you have created/updated a CDF group and linked it to a group in Microsoft Entra ID but don't have access to the CDF project with the new permissions, sign out and delete your browser cache, or wait for the token to expire.

Use one Microsoft Entra ID tenant for multiple CDF projects

CDF supports using a single Microsoft Entra ID tenant to authenticate in multiple CDF projects. Note that the groups are also shared as the CDF projects share the same Microsoft Entra ID tenant. If you need to control different access for different projects, you should do it at the group level.

Using other IdPs than Microsoft Entra ID

We currently support Microsoft's Microsoft Entra ID as the identity provider for CDF. If you want to use another IdP than Microsoft Entra ID to manage CDF access, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, Auth0, and Keycloak, see the Minimum identity provider (IdP) requirements and contact your Cognite representative or one of our partners.