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Create and view observations

Early adopters

The features described in this section are currently available to early adopters only and are subject to change.

Observations are information collected from field workers on malfunctioning equipment that needs further evaluation. Depending on whether you're on a desktop or mobile version, you can create and view or only create observations.

Create and view observations on desktop

On the Observations tab, you can:

  • View the details of all asset observations and how many new observations you have today. Available on the desktop version only.

  • Create observations by selecting +Create observation. All observations are saved as drafts until you select Complete.

  • Edit observations that haven't been sent to SAP (the SAP feature must be turned on). Only completed observations can be sent to SAP.

  • Delete observations in the Draft and Not sent statuses.

An observation can have one of the statuses:

DraftThe observation is in progress.
CompletedThe user filled out all information and selected Completed.
SentThe user completed the observation and sent it to SAP.
File not sentThe observation was sent to SAP but not the attached media files.
Not sentThe observation wasn't sent to SAP.

Create observations on mobile

If you think an asset requires attention, you can create an observation for it:

  • When working on a checklist, select (+) > Create observation.
  • In the top left, select the menu tab > Create observation.