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cdf.toml configuration file

Expected location: the current working directory (the directory where you run the Cognite Toolkit.)

Use the cdf.toml to configure the Cognite Toolkit CLI. The file is created automatically when you run the cdf modules init command.

The cdf.toml file is written in the TOML format and looks similar to this:

default_organization_dir = "my_organization"
default_env = "dev"

run = true
pull = true
dump = true

require-kind = true
run-workflow = true
streamlit = true
module-repeat = true

version = "0.3.14"

The cdf section

The cdf section contains these keys:

  • default_organization_dir (string): specifies the default organization directory to use if the --organization-dir/-o flag isn't specified. The key is used by all commands that require the organization directory.
  • default_env (string): specifies the default environment to use when the --env/-e flag isn't specified. The key is used by all commands that require the environment.

The plugins section

This section turns plugins on or off. See the Plugins for more information.

The alpha_flags section

This section enables alpha features. Alpha features are experimental and may change or be removed in future releases.

The modules section

This section specifies the version of the modules found in the modules/ directory. The Cognite Toolkit uses it to ensure that the CLI matches the modules. It's automatically updated when you run the cdf modules upgrade command.