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Data modeling


Templates is being superseded with the released data modeling capabilities. See Data modeling for more information.

The data model is in GraphQL Schema Definition Language format. Each data model has many types, which consist of fields with a specified type.

Types, fields and more types

Each type has fields that references another type, forming a relationship. You can also specify these fields as an array (list) of another type.

Use ! to indicate that a field is required and that each instance of the template must contain the value.

To add comments, enter "..." above the field/type definition.

Example data model

This example is a simple data model for a Covid-19 outbreak.

type Demographics @template {
"The number of people"
populationSize: Int
"The population growth rate"
growthRate: Float
metadata: Metadata

type Country @template {
name: String!
tag: [String]
demographics: Demographics
deaths: TimeSeries!
confirmed: TimeSeries!

type Metadata {
key: String
value: String

In the example data model above:

  • Demographics type has populationSize, growthRate and metadata _field_s
    • populationSize must be an Int type
    • growthRate must be a Float type
    • metadata must be a Metadata type
  • Country has a required field, and name must be specified for each instance of the Country type.
  • growRate has a comment/description (The population growth rate). populationSize also has a comment/description (The number of people).

Categories of types

The following types are available:

  • Primitives - simple types like String, Long, Int, Float, and Boolean.
  • Predefined CDF types - Asset, TimeSeries, Sequence, File, and SyntheticTimeSeries. These are types that can reference CDF resources, and give access to fields in the CDF resources when they're being fetched. For more details, see CDF types querying fields.
  • User defined - any other types defined in the data model. In the example above, Demographics, Country and Metadata are examples of user defined types.

Available editing features

The form UI in Fusion offers a limited set of features compared to what is possible via the Code Editor in the UI or in the SDKs.

Modeling typeEditing Form UISDK or Code Editor
CDF resourcesAsset
Required (!)


You can use directives to specify additional qualities of a type. For Templates, the most important directive is @template. Use it to specify if a type is considered a template, which indicates that it will be filled by template instances and can be queried directly.

The @template directive generates a query endpoint to make the data more accessible. Each field's type limits how you can ingest and query data. For example. with Float, data must be populated as a number, and you can do filters like Greater than vs. just checking for string equality.

In the example data model above, Demographics and Country are queryable, for example, you can run demographicsQuery and add filters, pagination, etc. Metadata isn't directly queryable but has to be accessed via Demographics. There is no direct way to query Metadata and perform filters, pagination, etc.


Every template group has a version, and it changes when the data model is updated with a breaking change. You can query each version individually, and consumers are therefore not directly affected by breaking changes. Also, each version has its own set of template instances. The data links to each version of a template group, and there is no automatic migration between versions.

Updating the schema

You can use different conflict modes when updating a schema.

  • Patch. This is the default mode, and it updates the schema without updating the version as long as there are no unsafe or breaking changes. Otherwise, it will fail.
  • Update. Updates the schema by updating the version of the domain. Instances are kept per version, and it requires a migration.
  • Force. Updates the schema without updating the version, and doesn't check for unsafe changes. This mode can cause issues for clients depending on the schema.

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