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Diagram parsing

Extract information from static engineering diagrams, typically P&IDs (Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams), to create interactive diagrams that you can explore on any device.

Use this contextualization tool to find, extract, and match tags on engineering diagrams and link them to an asset hierarchy or other resource types, such as files. You can approve or reject the results at any time.

An engineering diagram with new tags has the status Pending approval. This status means that there are detected tags that need to be either approved or rejected to ensure that the interactive diagrams are accurate.

For each engineering diagram, CDF shows the tag types it has detected:

  • Tag type Diagrams: Tags to other engineering diagrams.
  • Tag type Assets: Tags to other assets in CDF.
  • Tag type Unlinked: Tags that are already manually linked to other resources.

Create interactive diagrams

  1. Navigate to Data management > Contextualize > Diagram parsing.

  2. Select Create interactive diagrams.

  3. Select the diagrams that you want to make interactive.

    You can filter the diagrams by Name, Data set, Label, or File type, such as PDF. For assets, you can also filter by Root asset.


The supported interactive diagram file mime_types are application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/png, and image/tiff. For more information, see API documentation for engineering diagrams.

  1. Select Next step to continue.

  2. Select the diagrams you want to link your diagrams to and select Next step.

  3. Select the assets you want to link your diagrams to and select Next step.

  4. Select a contextualization model:

    Select model
    • The Standard model is selected by default as this model is recommended for most engineering diagrams.
    • The Advanced model lets you configure options such as the number of tokens matched for an entity, partial matches, and field matching.
  5. Select Next step.


    Activate Save and skip settings if you always use the same model.

  6. Select Run model.

  7. Review the result of the model - newly detected tags on the interactive diagrams.

  8. Select Approve all, Preview all, or select a diagram to review it individually.

    Interactive view

Approve or reject detected tags

  1. Select the bounding box around the detected tag in the diagram. Bounding box
  2. Select Approve tag or Reject tag.
  3. Select Save.

You can also Approve or Reject tags like this:

  1. Select a diagram to review it individually.
  2. If it has tags, select Asset or Diagram on the right sidebar to review them.
  3. Select on the pending tag - outlined in blue.
  4. Select the tag you want to review.
  5. Select Approve tag or Reject tag.
  6. Select Save.

Add new tags

  1. Select the pencil icon to open edit mode. Yellow box
  2. Use the mouse pointer to draw a bounding box around the tag you want to add.
  3. Select Add manually and choose the CDF resource in the list you want to link to.
  4. Select Save.

Review engineering diagrams pending approval

You can filter the diagrams that are pending approval by Name, Data set, or File type.

  1. Select More options icon on the diagram.
  2. Select Recontextualize diagram, Approve pending tags, Reject pending tags, or Clear all tags on the diagram. If you choose Recontextualize diagram, you start the process again.

Save diagrams as SVG

  1. Select More options icon or select Save as SVG button.
  2. You can save the files as SVG with the same names or specify a prefix.
  3. Select Save files.

For information about the new diagram parsing, an upgrade from asset-centric to a data-model approach, see Diagram parsing for data modeling.