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Locations are digital representations of physical areas such as platforms, plants, or factories. You can set up locations or a set of parent-child locations as a filter across data models, data sets, and 3D content.

You can't use locations to manage access to data.

Users can use the locations to filter their search results and to select the resources to add to Canvas and Charts.

Configure locations

We recommend setting up one digital location per physical location. Contact Cognite support and request to configure:

  • Data models: specify which data models you want to use. You can configure locations for any Cognite data model without altering how the data is modeled.

  • Asset-centric resources: optionally, specify data sets, asset sub-trees, or external ID prefixes for asset centric resources, such as assets, events, files, time series, and sequences.

  • Scenes: optionally, set up a scene for any 3D models. The 3D scene displays in the 3D views when you filter on a location.


If you've already configured locations for your CDF projects, contact Cognite support to migrate to the latest technical solution.